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Slut School
Ever wondered where Lady Gaga went to school? I'm willing to bet five bucks she went here or at least somewhere with a very similar curriculum. God bless this school. Sluts are what make the world go around.
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Black Friday. Don't do it, people. If you want a tradition worth being a part of then stage a once-a-year looting spree of all your favorite high street tat peddlers. Don't trample your fellow man just to get a 50% off deal, you scumbag.
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James Cameron teams up with George Lucas, JJ Abrams and Michael Bay to make the ultimate version of Titanic. I'm fairly sure that this is a parody, but it's so close to reality that's it's hard to tell...
Comments: 2
He looks a bit like Syler and with his sudden new found telekinetic superpower he could be the real-life super villain - at least that's probably what he was thinking in this classic. Fabregas gets Punk'd and he never saw it coming !!
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Giving new meaning to the word "cat-apult," a sprightly feline from Japan has taken the Interwebs by storm with his incredible ability to reach jaw-dropping heights in just one jump.
Comments: 231
For some reason i find this strangely adorable. It looks like a huge caterpillar, and it's either loving being squeezed, or screaming 'SEXUAL HARASSMENT!' - Either way, today you learned caterpillars could make noise.
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Finally! A tutorial on how to correctly enunciate the line “EA Sports” using the appropriate inflection and tone - it’s pretty random and it may not actually be the guy that voices the line for EA but it still made me laugh pretty damn hard.
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In Dubai street racing's a national past time & the action takes place at the International Marine Club. This is where Lucas Ordonez heads to, taking Nissan's badass Juke-R to try & pwn some of the most famous supercars.
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The Slow Mo Guys, Gav and Dan, head to Alabama to show you the mechanical workings of a fully automatic M4 Carbine with holographic sight as it fires 30 rounds in just over 2 seconds.
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We all like going to the movies and eating popcorn, but it’s so fucking expensive. It’s corn! So why am I paying $7 a bag! WTF? Here’s what to do; get a giant popcorn machine like this!
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Some people go to extreme measures for birth control - You know sex is gonna be good when the condoms you use pass this test.. - LOL
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