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Six-Pack WTF?
Having a six-pack is essential if you want to pick up shallow, vacuous ladies. Having one that does this kind of nonsense is never essential. Unless you want to baffle medical science and gross out your friends.
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Harry Shum, Jr. swaps his dancing shoes for his killing ones’. There’s also not a lot to dislike in this. It’s short, it has a gun fight, a lightsaber fight, some macho hero posturing, decapitation, and then Lara Croft.
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Two bikers flip over the handlebars and faceplant after trying to showoff in front of a crowd waiting on a street race to start. See it's true, karma is real and happens to douchebags!
Comments: 3
Everything you need to know about the eurozone going down the toilet is summarised in this video. Essentially it's a reenacting of a financial crisis through the medium of three idiots on a tree branch. Enjoy.
Comments: 2
It's a classic case of '4 wheels good, 2 wheels BAD!' - A MotoGP racers motorcycle stalls at the green light and two guys slam into him at high speeds.
Comments: 3
Twin sisters on either side of the glass fool others into thinking they have no reflection. - LOL
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People come up with new, more exotic ideas for pranks every day - You can tell this dude really wanted to go the extra mile with this prank because the moose is so fresh.
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If soccer is watched by thugs, played by gentlemen and rugby is the opposite, where is the game played by and watched by psychopaths? YO. All you need to get started is a ball, a knife and a slightly unhinged disposition.
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The son of God is back and it looks like he's the second coming with a fist ! - Prepare for some ultra-cheesy kung fu action and appaling acting!
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Just remember that the axe can chop off more than a tree....Humans maybe? - Dad wants to show his kid how it's done and in the process almost kills his wife - WTF!?!
Comments: 37
Coppercab of "Gingers do have souls!" fame get his auburn ass remixed into a surprisingly catchy song. Admittedly there are no actual words in it but if it sounds good and you can dance to it, who cares?
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