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Tree Chopping FAIL!
Just remember that the axe can chop off more than a tree....Humans maybe? - Dad wants to show his kid how it's done and in the process almost kills his wife - WTF!?!
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So you think that messing about on the river is boring? Wrong. You obviously haven't hung out with these idiots. Witness a totally insane explosion of a leaking propane tank being shot with a rifle.
Comments: 11
I must have forgotten how the film went because I sure don't remember this scene going quite like this. Still, when someone drops the C bomb and he's got mad backup, what can you do? Stand there and take it, thats what.
Comments: 0
Wes Miller, ATV racing legend talks with the boys from Blackrock Studios about the authentic look !
Comments: 0
I guess he's just looking for a new football to play with - GROSS !
Comments: 1
Learning’s always fun with Ze Franks “True Facts…” videos, because he delivers knowledge with a side of school boy chuckles and plenty of swearing. Plus it’s all delivered in the voice of Morgan Freeman.
Comments: 0
Benny and Rafi Fine have gained notoriety with their Kids React series that they can now upgrade to YT celebrities. Enter Epic Mealtime dude, a couple of hot chicks and two dorks to react to some classic viral video.
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This dude pours gasoline into a fish tank tosses a match into it and then drops a large piece of wood on top.
Comments: 103
It's kinda like thug life, but more likely to play catch with you in the back yard. Yes, this is what happens when dads turn their hand to the rap game. It's a lot less cringe worthy than you might think..
Comments: 4
Congratulations are in order. This may be the quickest scooter crash we have on record. See? There are some things female drivers excel at.
Comments: 5
Could you play a video game while spiders and snakes crawled all over your hands and the joypad?
Comments: 1