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Scale: Awesome Planets!
Imagine if all the planets in the solar system were the same distance from the earth as the moon, Cool, eh? If the sight of gas giant Jupiter wheeling across the night sky doesn't make you crap your pants i'd get some glasses!
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Just remember that the axe can chop off more than a tree....Humans maybe? - Dad wants to show his kid how it's done and in the process almost kills his wife - WTF!?!
Comments: 37
Sledding fails are one of the season's greatest joys. Somebody should tell this kid that the 90's called and they want their neon jumpsuit back.
Comments: 5
If you thought Go-Karting was for just for kids, you'd better think again. It's where Senna started off and if this video is anything to go by it's hella fast. If that was me I'd need to pit stop for fresh underwear.
Comments: 10
Wouldn't you just love to smell that?! I want to know if they truly thought this was sexy.. WTF
Comments: 0
Birthday cards are definitely not top of this kitten's list. As soon as she sees that card she loses it and goes into attack mode. Well it's either that or the horrendous sounds coming from that card are driving her insane?
Comments: 1
If this guy was to have a soundtrack to his life, I think dubstep is a damn good call. Despite the fact that he's just staggering around, blind drunk, he's somehow keeping in time with the music and throwing some powerful shapes.
Comments: 1
Facebook is meant to be a way for people to share pictures, chat and interact with their circle of friends. There is a darker side to it though, and it's driving a lot of people to utter despair...
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You might think that attempting to teach tricks to a cat would be a futile exercise, but not so. This chick has managed to teach her cat all kinds of cool trick. Mind you, I'd do those too if she fed me bits of bacon...
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So, it’s the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee this weekend. Who knew? Her Maj is off to her local Pizza Hut with the Royal Fam, because she just loves a stuffed crust — and I’m not talking about the pizza. (ithankyou!)
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Carrie Manolakos covers a classic Radiohead tune. It's videos like this that make me wish more web flash players came with repeat buttons. Seriously, I could listen to this all day and not get bored.
Comments: 10