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Rub Some Bacon On It
Rhett and Link get musical as they release the music video for their hit new song. In it they extole the virtues of rubbing bacon on things. It might not fix them, but at least it will make them smell bacony and delicious.
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A prisoner complains it's too hot in the back of a squad car so the cops roll down the window for him then watch him open the door and run away.
Comments: 91
it could be a trailer for the new Rocky movie, the actors are old enough. Two old guys have a big disagreement and there is only one way to settle it. Shirts off and dukes up as they slug it out. Kind of.
Comments: 2
Note: You don't actually have to combine your bike and your ramp for it to be considered a bike ramp.
Comments: 1
If you're the kind of motorist who gets all worked up when a cyclist wheels their bike across a crosswalk or through a red light then this little beaut is really going to grind your gears.
Comments: 2
This crazy man grabs a baseball bat from the sporting goods section then goes on a rampage destroying 29 TV's valued at over $20k at a Walmart in Atlanta.
Comments: 4
Squashing finally makes it's way to the mainstream through the medium of the daytime chatshow. It's only a matter of time before weird Japanese tentacle fetishes and other horrors are being beamed to TVs nationwide.
Comments: 1
If i was in this situation every water-based disaster movie would come to mind - The Captain's response is probably something you don't want to hear while bouncing in rough seas in the middle of the ocean.
Comments: 3
This chick tries to climb a barrier at a gig and gets more than she bargained for when her shorts get stuck on the top of a fence. I've never seen a wedgie so powerful that it ripped denim. Kudos, girl that's gotta hurt.
Comments: 6
You’ve not seen anything until you’ve seen a giant-moobed man-flab lurching towards you in slow motion. It’ll carry you through into the evening, where you can start skulling beers with the best of them.
Comments: 0
It doesn't look all THAT low until you see the whites of the eyes of the onlookers and they stop waving, look panicked and scatter in all directions. From the outside view it looks like he might have trimmed the lawn...
Comments: 264