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Mega Wedgie
This chick tries to climb a barrier at a gig and gets more than she bargained for when her shorts get stuck on the top of a fence. I've never seen a wedgie so powerful that it ripped denim. Kudos, girl that's gotta hurt.
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If you thought that Farming Simulator was badass, you aint seen nothing yet. While combine harvesters and other farming machinery might be gangster, it ain't got nothing on a street cleaning machine. F'real.
Comments: 1
Nature is a very curious thing, forget the birds & the bees, this summer it’s all about the ‘birds & the Tweets. Ornithologists say birds are most active early mornings and late afternoons… But can our species out-Tweet them?
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What happened Justin? Where are you in our hour of need? Where’s sexy? Is it not being brought back? Where have you taken it? And Why? Just come back to doing what you do best. Please!
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James Van Der Beek not just a talentless douchebag after all! OK, that was a bit harsh, he did star in Dawson' Creek which was one of the, er, lamest TV shows ever. But, there's always a chance for a person to redeem themselves.
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Charlie Brooker gives us his thoughts on the whole KONY 2012 capaign and illuminates some sinister details about the company that started it; Invisible Children.
Comments: 2
To his credit, he did hit his target. And that's what he'll be whining for the rest of the day as his friends laugh at him for smacking himself in the face with the shotgun.
Comments: 2
While LEGO themed video games already exist, they’re not really teeming with violence and action. YouTuber Andewfilms imagines if LEGO made first person shooter style video games, like Portal, Skyrim, Bioshock and Counter-Strike.
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If a young kid walked up to you in the street with a cigarette in their hand and asked you for a light, what would you do? The good news is most people are outraged and refuse.
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I'd rather bury my face in his dog's tits, personally. It's not trying quite so hard and has three times as many nips. Nah, she's alright really. I bet you any money this ad was paid for by the kid in it.
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When meeting the Queen of England, it’s important to cock your leg out in the manner befitting a 12th century nobleman and then shuffle it about in a manner befitting a 21st raver.
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