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Puddle Jumper
An awesome prank, this one. Get you mate to jump into a puddle that isn't actually a puddle, but a 6ft+ plunge pool filled with freezing cold, filthy water. He probably won't be your friend after, but it's totally worth it.
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Do you like your fast food FAST? If so you should probably head on over to Nick Jays! Their food is so fast that you’ll actually meet yourself shortly after receiving your order, causing a temporal anomoly!
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Talk about luck. This may be the luckiest goal ever. The two teams playing were Termeno and Dro and the winner moves officially to Eccellenza, the 6th category of Italian football
Comments: 2
I'm not a big fan of cushions. The girlfriend LOVES them, but even she doesn't love them as much as this little leg-humper does. The moment his masters are out of the door he's making them his b#tches. Bow chicka wow wow.
Comments: 2
Sometimes it's a good idea to evaluate the potential outcome carnage of FAIL before attempting anything. This guy slips while hanging upside down on a swing set and is knocked out cold.
Comments: 1
This is breaking news. Toddler-faced teen goon Bieber is actually a nasty predatory pedo who disguises himself as a pre-adolescent sexless emo just to attract teenage girls. Shocking .....And true!?
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He's SOoooo cute, but what can you do, FAIL know no genre to avoid, it picks on us all. Cute little Pug dog plays with a volleyball on the deck of a pool and falls into the skimmer hole. Mini fail!!!
Comments: 3
The humble nutshot might be a barred move from most MMA leagues, but that doesn't mean it's not a valid and potent form of attack. In the All Balls Brawl it is celebrated and in fact, it's the only legal move!
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8-bit Cinema "gamifies" your favorite Hollywood Blockbusters into 80's arcade and NES inspired action—behold Pulp Fiction retold via old-school 8-bit (and a little 16 bit ;) game tech. No quarters or controllers required!
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By now you've probably seen the "stuff girls say" videos floating around YouTube. This one takes the idea and inverts it. Put simply, here is a list of things you'll probably never hear any girl say. Ever.
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You may’ve been aware of a certain Felix Baumgartner hurtling through the air really, really fast. But forget about his feats, because they pale in comparison to a LEGO man doing a stratos jump. Just don’t call fake.
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