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Nyan Cat FTW!
Part intergalactic space cat, part delicious sugary pop-tart & part rainbow. Most importantly, he comes complete with a mind numbing Japanese pop-song earworm of a themetune that will have you wailing and clawing at your ears.
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Wow. This movie has pretty much every ingredient to make it a total classic, hot chicks in leather wielding guns and kicking A! And as if that wasn't enough it's got samurai ninjas with huge machine guns too. F#ck yea!
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Everybody's favourite nerd hun, Ms Munn, auditions for that famous female part, she may have a terrible British accent and worse acting skills than Roger Moore, but that catsuit is hawt!
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There's a reason these people are moving so slowly & it's not just to freak stoners out. It's so when it's sped up they look a like Neo in the Matrix, if Neo was in an art collective that looked like a bunch of circus rejects.
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All it takes is a frighteningly low pass from a spitfire pilot and this reporter goes to full scale brown alert. You can't tell because of the camera angle but it splurges out of his trouser legs and gets roughly knee high.
Comments: 6
We all hate them, you walk out at lunch time to get yourself a shitty tuna baguette from Pret and before you get to the door you’re pounced on by a charity mugger. Ugh!
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A collection of all the great videos that made us chuckle during January 2012. There's no narrative, no commentary just 9 minutes of back to back viral videos. Enjoy.
Comments: 1
Flour cannons: Because Hallmark doesn't make a card that says "I wish you spent more time in the kitchen." - In some ways this isn't so much ownage as 'karma', or maybe they are one and the same thing?
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Who even knew they had contests like this? But they do, and these people are supreme wizards when it comes to jumping around and flinging themselves about on a piece of slackline.
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So you think that messing about on the river is boring? Wrong. You obviously haven't hung out with these idiots. Witness a totally insane explosion of a leaking propane tank being shot with a rifle.
Comments: 11
Somehow the whole Darwin theory was lost on this guy. Ten years of nut shots and in the end he still reproduced.
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