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My Love For Lexi FAIL!
Top of the list of 'NEVER DO's' is confessing your undying love for someone who doesn't even know you exist via YouTube. What's even worse is that you attempt this sober and have no excuse to hide behind.
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This weatherman is straight up BUGGIN! - LOL
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When you wre a kid THIS was where it was at. If you never saw the 1984 classic then this will mean less than nothing to you. If you did then you probably have a strange urge to climb aboard and ride him.
Comments: 34
It's not often you will find a rapper who is this forthcoming with his nerdyness. What next, Dan? Dan bull is back to profess his love for the blocky build-em-up in the form of a catchy rap.
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The German police take themselves very seriously. If you were to, say, poke them with a bright fuchsia vibrator and go on to perch a discarded ladies thong on their shoulder they would probably put you in cuffs. Just FYI.
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I think you'd get slightly annoyed if your car kept doing this - WTF ?
Comments: 5
Ever wanted to waterproof something? Yeah, me either. After watching this video though I'm thinking about waterproofing EVERYTHING I OWN! Seriously, how damn cool is this stuff!? I WANTS IT!
Comments: 7
Driving in Russia is a very different experience to driving anywhere else in the world. The main thing to remember is; mirror, signal, bludgeon, firearm. Either that or just let someone else do the driving. Way safer.
Comments: 6
Foreign swearwords might be fun and cool, but they're a blight on the Great British landscape. We've got plenty of awesome swearwords of our own and they're way more spiffing than those American ones.
Comments: 1
Recently a woman named Cherries Waffles Tennis was arrested. So in her honor Jimmy Kimmel looked over some other people that have been arrested who have equally ridiculous names.
Comments: 2
If we could just harness this incredible natural phenomenon, think of all the good we could do! Either that or we could just make like his owner and never have to walk our pets again…
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