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Lazy Cop Drives Into Running Suspect
Even though he was reprimanded by a judge later, his driving skills are pretty impressive. He didn't even drop his doughnut.
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Lets put the politics to one side for a moment & focus on what’s really important; Rap battles. Time for Romney & Barack to square off in the field of lyrical combat to see who’s rhymes are tighter & who’s got the most swag.
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From the wonderful free state of North Korea comes this informative video tutorial for photoshop. Full of useful tips on how to glorify the magnificent leader and emphasize his mourners grief, it's a must-see!
Comments: 2
Dan Bull brings his lyrical brilliance to yet another video game as he gives Battlefield 3 a rap makeover. He seems to reckon he's pretty badass at FPS games but I reckon I could get his tags pretty easily...
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Absolutely terrifying. Not the caterpillar, but the fact that a scene this bad wasn't left to rot on the cutting room floor. Still, at least it's pretty damn hilarious which makes up for it slightly...
Comments: 2
Gullible passersby get tricked into believing this guy's phone is possessed by a zombie ghost girl. The idiots. Remember kids, it's not polite to make fun of the dead, unless they are the 'un'-dead :)
Comments: 1
As much as this guy looks like he wanted to eat that cake I am sure this was also an acceptable outcome for the unfortunate victims below for whom 'it's raining cake!'. Sometimes it's good to embrace the pain, and eat it. Nom.
Comments: 2
Classic example for this turtle of one step forward and two steps back. Sometimes in life it isn't as easy as you think to make a clean escape!
Comments: 8
Everyone's seen the pyramids and the great wall of China. They're totes mainstream. How about some awe inspiring wonders you can behold while maintaining your hipster credentials? You're welcome.
Comments: 7
It looks like a weird video effect, but this is actually the world's tiniest avalance, taking place on the roof of a parade of shops. If you were walking underneath you wouldn't think it was tiny though...
Comments: 5
It’s a common problem, just how do you identify Moby when there’s so many bald men with geeky specs around that look just like him? I mean, can you even tell your Michael Stipe from your Bruce Willis?
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