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Ladder Jump FAIL!
This dude tries to jump over a 6 foot ladder but fails to get enough air and falls on his back. KID! Ladders are for climbing, use the steps provided...or pay the consequences!
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The dad likes Disney's Frozen, the daughter likes rap music, and the dad being a good parent lets the daughter get her wish—it beats another Frozen car sing-along video anyway, plus they're pretty good.
Comments: 1
Proof that playing 8 ball solo is seriously dangerous - This dude slams his head so hard against a pool table that it knocks him out cold and nobody cares. Seriously sad and painful :(
Comments: 2
When people dance this badly they deserve everything they get, and in Russia what they get is a explosion, right in the face. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving douchenozzle.
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This is probably the single greatest contraption that man has ever invented. Sure the wheel was pretty good, round and rollable, but it couldn't fire a delicious frosty beverage into your waiting hand, could it?
Comments: 1
How urgent is your journey to the other side of this bridge, maybe go the long way this time? This is what happens when you let your engineers drink Vodka during lunch break.
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Who even knew they had contests like this? But they do, and these people are supreme wizards when it comes to jumping around and flinging themselves about on a piece of slackline.
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It's a case of, 'So near & yet SO far' - You have to ask yourself the question, why the hell did she even bother putting a bikini on if she wasn't going to get in the water? FAIL!
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He's the undisputed king of pup.
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Usually an advertisement trying to recruit students to a college makes you want to spoon out your eyeballs in the first five seconds. Not so this, it features a teleporting god who looks like your weed dealer.
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Most dog's can't even be taught not to poop in the corner of the room and attack the postman every morning. This one has been trained to act. Possibly. I wonder if he's ever done any Shakespeare?
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