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Killer Whale Destroys Sailboat
You remember those cute little whales you once saw in Orlando, or maybe Free Willy, well people, you were LIED to! A killer whale attacks and destroys a sailboat off the coast of South Africa - OMG!
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At a meeting of car enthusiasts in Italy, a grandma decides to bust some dance moves to the music coming from one of the cars—and sure she may not be a looker, but you have to give her 10/10 for enthusiasm.
Comments: 0
Want your very onw IRL CoDBlOps weaponry? Right here, buddy. This guy has the skills to pay the bills and he'll no doubt get round to recreating the game's entire arsenal. Pretty nifty stuff.
Comments: 5
So do you have a lob-on for the Olympics? Eager to see the UK win lots of gold(?) – It seems that people are either mad for it or entirely ambivalent. If you’re in the former category then this should get your blood pumping.
Comments: 0
Remember kids, in soviet Russia kite flies you. All you need to get some serious air on a lake is a rather large pool inflatable and a friend with a jet-ski, the rest, as they say, is down to the size of your balls.
Comments: 1
Bananas are tired of being beaten and bruised.. now they're fighting back. - LOL
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If you wondered how important music can be when concerning moving images, then take a look at how creepy the Friends intro is without any—it just seems like a bunch of weirdoes moving around for no real reason.
Comments: 2
This middle-aged, four piece band might be heading over the hill when it comes to saying bye-bye to their youth. So anyone whos thinking that their life is over because they’re in their mid-40s. WRONG!
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Check this out - see if you can unleash your man leather and challenge your friends to a roar off !
Comments: 7
Do NOT fall asleep at Mike E. Winfield's comedy show or he'll get at least 20 straight minutes of comedy out of your sleepin' ass. To be fair, Ruben deserves most of the credit for this video. He is a true comedy genius.
Comments: 5
It's all fun and games until your buddy gives you a spinning kick to the jaw.
Comments: 3