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Inflatable Tube Diving Accident
Remember. Always expect the unexpected. Face-down in a stack of donuts. I think that's how he'd always dreamed of going out. This was the last thing i expected to happen.
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So you think you know stuff about stuff, eh? Here are ten things most people assume to be true that are complete fabrications. Share this with your friends to find out how many they believed were true.
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Crutch Dance. Sounds like something you'd get in a sleezy gentleman's club, but in fact it's way less enjoyable. Seriously though, this guy has some skill. He manages to dance so well I can't even tell if he's disabled.
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Skyrim might be an awesome video game, but until now it didn't feature Macho Man Randy Savage. Now that it does it can finally take it's place among the video game all time greats. Macho Man, we salute you.
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Because changing lanes normally is just so goddamn dull. Sometimes you have to mix it up a little, lay some rubber and pray you don't end up in a ditch, on fire. Someone get this man a cookie, stat.
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If you thought that victims of hurricanes of floods had it bad, wait til you hear about the plight of the denizens of southern L.A. They've had to put on coats and hats to play nighttime soccer. OH THE HUMANITY!
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The lonely Island are back with another great track. This one's is like Rebecca Black's track except you can listen to it any day of the week and immidiately feel happier. Well, provided you're on the right drugs, anyway.
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I have NO idea why watching other dudes get their family jewels destroyed is just so mesmerizing? I have a feeling that as long as it's not happening to you and someone else instead is SUCH a relief!?
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A Mom thinks that if she could do a front flip in High School then she should still be able to do it since she remembers the mechanics.
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There is a lovely tranquility about this video. It’s something unique to cats, that delicate elegance. You wouldn’t get 2 dogs practising a gentle, conservative martial art. No way. Yep. Biting each others faces?
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Hot tubs are steamy salacious cauldrons in which countless supermodels have splashed their way into America's collective male fantasy. But like so much fungi, there's an icky reality just below the surface of the water.
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