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Hang Gliding Loop FAIL
They say one of the most difficult stunts to pull off while hang gliding is the 360 loop. Sadly, this guy can't do it. But don't let that put you off watching FAIL at work!
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Kids harassing you about getting a puppy? Then maybe you should give into them—why? Because this video is why. Dogs are so much better than humans, because they’ll give you unconditional love, no questions.
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Normally when watching a fail video of a kid on a skateboard you expect to see them crash and burn, landing in a wicked scorpion grind and coating the street with their facial features. This isn't like that though. Weird.
Comments: 1
Important things to remember at a party, especially after you have been drinking - You are NOT invincible! Great knockout, but I think I like the winner's look of genuine surprise at his KO the most.
Comments: 2
Catching a 600lb black marlin is one thing but having the bugger jump on to your boat nearly spearing you on it's nose and braining you mate with flying debris is quite another. I'd rather just stick to fishing mackerel.
Comments: 2
While this dude might be completely in the wrong, you can't fault his logic. If you think about it, it's probably the only reason to do what he did and it's actually a pretty good (and delicious) reason...
Comments: 1
BirGirPall is back with more hilarious glitches and peculiarities. This time he's playing Max Payne 3 and he's been spending a lot of time doing slow motion dives into walls, crates and enemies...
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I know it's a bit outdated, but I feel like I have to say that he should have done A BARREL ROLL. Roll or no, the pilot was lucky to survive.
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The squeaky of voice, golden of balls one shows off his skills with a ball while on a beach in California. What. Ever. It looks about as real as a dodo riding a unicorn through the magical world of Oz.
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Flippycat brings his domino dominion to the world of fine art as he attempts to recreate Vincent Van Gough's Starry Night using tiny pieces of coloured plastic. It's a pretty damn good likeness, even after they've all fallen over.
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A kid bites into an odd Easter candy and is not happy with the taste; you can chalk one up for his laughing parents in the prank book.
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