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Party Boxer Knocked Out Cold
Important things to remember at a party, especially after you have been drinking - You are NOT invincible! Great knockout, but I think I like the winner's look of genuine surprise at his KO the most.
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Mac fanboys or "Macfags" are possibly the most annoying breed of computer nerd. With aspirations of being cool and a condescending air, they will lecture you about how much better their personal computer is than a PC.
Comments: 2
I guess calling it an "awesome chainsaw fight" is a bit unnecessary. It's 2 guys fighting with chainsaws, so the awesomeness kinda goes without saying. Still, the awesomeness is probably worth the added emphasis...
Comments: 88
It's what we were all kinda expecting to happen and I for one felt cheated when it didn't. Ivan Drago was robbed. I would pay damn good money to see a feature length remake with this as the ending.
Comments: 0
The Juba dance or 'hambone', is a style of dance that involves stomping as well as slapping and patting the arms, legs, chest, and cheeks - The redneck girls can't keep their hams, er, hands off this musical genius - WTF!?!
Comments: 3
This guy sounded like he had a pretty solid argument going with the cops but finally decided that he was faster than both of them and took off. Sad the cops only made it 10 steps before giving up.
Comments: 10
There aint nuthin wrong with checkin out the West End and sorting yourself some slick garms n kicks !
Comments: 1
Summer’s taken over the realms and we’re all still feeling the sting of not having a new episode of Game of Thrones each week. To help curb the bitter taste of a Winter-less summer, here’s a mash up of Disney’s Frozen and GoT.
Comments: 1
He could've at least dressed up in a Zelda costume, but other than that minor disappointment, this is pretty good. But it does beg the tragic question: How many wine glasses were harmed in the making of this?
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Well, I thought it was a great idea.. the man surely will turn it off now. - LOL
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Some clips from AFV, cats take home the gold. -LOL
Comments: 2