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Guerilla Renaming
It might not sound very funny but going round a department store renaming all of the prodcuts on sale with much more descriptive titles is actually pretty damn hilarious. don't believe me? Exhibit A: Girls Foot bags.
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This is without doubt the coolest burrito in the entire universe, because it was made in space, and as we all know space is awesome. The only way it could be any cooler is if this dude was riding a unicorn.
Comments: 1
This is a tragically familiar sight in bars and clubs planetwide. They're drunk, noisy and a pain in everyone's ass. Don't bother speaking to them, they'll just drink your wallet dry and leave with some dude with an eyepatch.
Comments: 2
How comes the dumb ones always get the fun jobs.. - LOL
Comments: 3
Important note: Always tip the waitress well when you come to this diner. Talk about dumb. Kicking a cap off someone’s head is always going to end in tears unless you have the martial art of a ninja.
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Every week we read that something we believe is bad for us actually has beneficial health effects. This week it’s coffee, before that it was pizza – and every other day it’s red wine. But can these stories really be true?
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While Joe was in Greece for 2 weeks his roommates took the time to cover his room and everything in it with post-it notes. -LOL
Comments: 8
Save a tree and impress your friends and relatives by sending a Christmas eCard with a difference - AWESOME!
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If this goat was human it would be an emo. Or my little brother, just before i threatened to beat him up as a kid. He should learn to make a noise like a BOSS and get back to the real bleating.
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Worked wayy better on a hot chick than with a dude's mom.. - LOL
Comments: 5
Every Chrimbo the Disciples love to get together and have a few jars, slap each other on the back and talk about the good old days. And it’s good times all round until you-know-who turns up.
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