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Pathetic Goat Is Pathetic!!!
If this goat was human it would be an emo. Or my little brother, just before i threatened to beat him up as a kid. He should learn to make a noise like a BOSS and get back to the real bleating.
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Man gets pulled over, but is not satisfied with just a speeding ticket.
Comments: 3
The real name for this sport is 'Sepak Takraw' but I figured Kung Fu Volleyball made more sense. Anyway, check out the insane skills these guys show while playing volleyball with just their feet.
Comments: 0
What the HELL did this chick eat for lunch??? Whatever it was it's silent and most definitely violent - WOW! We can confidently tell her the burning sensation goes away quickly, but the reputation lasts a while - OWNED!
Comments: 1
If you're going to get people to believe in God then get them when they're kids and all the reasoned arguments in the world won't dissuade them from their beliefs. Yay brainwashing!
Comments: 3
It's clear from this video that Europe is much more progressive than our friends over in America. They require their idiots to wear uniforms to identify themselves in public - It's almost an art form!
Comments: 3
This little cutie has a smoking body AND dance moves.. what more could you ask for? :-)
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The ultimate collection of segway fails. Every single one of these is completely incapable of keeping both wheels on the ground and their face off the pavement. There's nothing funnier than a segway crash. Enjoy!
Comments: 22
Watch out! It's Spongebob's DARK side.. LOL
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If you’ve never heard of Ze Frank, he’s starred in his own TED talk, started the YoungMeNowMe picture meme and even turned the Earth into sammich! What a guy. Now it's about the importance of make believe.
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This guy is Crazy Douggs and these are his ker-razy friends who've decided to base jump. And after watching it, Crazy Douggs has every right to affix the term "crazy" to his name. This. Is. Madness!
Comments: 177