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Great Pick-up Lines In Science
I think 'Great' might be stretching it a bit. You couldn't pull a rotten tooth out of a dead horses mouth with one of these stinkers. Still, the Stephen Hawking voice is pretty damn alluring, might practice that one...
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Politics is weird. Sarah Silverman’s put herself on the line and said she’ll scissor 78 year old Sheldon Adelson until he jizzes if he gives his money to Obama instead of Romney. God bless her.
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It’s astonishing how a little bit of audio work can make a song listenable when once it was utter pants—and the little interview at the end just makes it that bit more special.
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Because changing lanes normally is just so goddamn dull. Sometimes you have to mix it up a little, lay some rubber and pray you don't end up in a ditch, on fire. Someone get this man a cookie, stat.
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When an adorable kitten takes part in a showdown with a glass jar, everyone wins. For some reason theres nothing a kitten can do that is cuter than getting itself stuck in a transparent container. Awwwwwwwww.
Comments: 2
Another angry customer fails at destroying restaurant property. Didn't he see the 'slippery floor' sign?
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Are you a ma...or a little baby? This guy is never going to live this down.. LOL
Comments: 3
If you're not excited about the latest movie in the Alien series then it's probably because you haven't watched this trailer yet. If you've seen it and still don't have a bonor, consult with your doctor immediately.
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Tim Thomas can do the splits like a boss and save a goal in the process. In honour of Toronto going totally bat-sh#t crazy over a game that nobody else cares about here's a look at why hockey is cool.
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What if everyone in your town was going insane & the military were shooting everyone on sight? Who would you turn to?
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You might think that doing the robot right next to a soccer player trying to take a corner would be a good way to get your ass kicked. Guess these players aren't easily distracted as they don't even seem to notice these two dancing away.
Comments: 2