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Great Cliff Dive Faceplant On Hillside
He just ate a full serving of dirt and washed it down with a big gulp of river. I don't think he's going to want seconds.
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Everybody's favourite nerd hun, Ms Munn, auditions for that famous female part, she may have a terrible British accent and worse acting skills than Roger Moore, but that catsuit is hawt!
Comments: 0
This looks like so much fun, so why don't you try it in your back yard with some elastic bands and your dads car. What could go wrong? OK, so maybe a lot of things....so get your buddies to try it out first.
Comments: 2
I really don't think i could of ever made it through basic training. By the second 'Aye Sir' I would have been like 'Listen, figure out how you want me to hold this gun, then get back to me.' - It wouldn't have ended well.
Comments: 0
A cringingly bad advert for a frankly repellant product hailing from India. Sick and tired of that saggy old perforated hymen? Never fear, there's a cream for that! Now they just need a cream to relieve saggy chesticles...
Comments: 34
Well, she must be REALLY high if the dog AND the cat are talking.. LOL
Comments: 3
The ultimate fail.. OUCH that had to hurt.
Comments: 1
Seth MacFarlane of Family Guy fame takes a shot at his first live action movie. If you're a fan of puerile comedy, slapstick and crudity, you'll be right at home with this spoof romantic comedy.
Comments: 11
Great Scott! It's not every day you see something this awesome, so savour it. Roads? Where he's going he doesn't need 'Roads'. For once at least nobody will ask him why he's wearing a life preserver...
Comments: 0
This guy's attempt to leap across a river using a tree branch ended disastrously, but he's lucky. The water should wash those grass stains right out.
Comments: 4
How this dude never passed out from this epic failage is beyond me - Ever dropped a watermelon from a roof or something and heard it smash against the ground? This guy's face makes about the same noise.
Comments: 1