Gone Fishing!
I wish I knew what bait to use to catch gorgeous beauties like these! Like they say, it's not the how deep you fish, it's how well you wiggle your worm!
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Taking a bad-ass self portrait isn't as easy as it looks on everyone else's Facebook accounts, it requires a flattering angle, no incriminating objects or locations in shot and above all, no unsuspecting photobombers.
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Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee that the following females are bone-fide geeks, but we can assure you they are cuties using stripped-down computers, or is it the other way around? Either way it's a combination that may prove too much for some of you?
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Welcome to the world of weird & weirder inflatables that should never have been filled with ai.A mixture of rubber against their skin & giant plastic body cavities, I don't know which is more perverted.
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Sometimes a picture does paint a thousand words, but really, only one is enough to set off a signal in your bain that your convictions about stereotypes were all true. Maybe it's time to leave this planet. Far behind.
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It's not always a sure thing that when you point a camera in someone's direction that they will oblige with a pose and a smile. But when it comes to cuties the chances of success go through the roof, smile or not!
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I bet you were all thinking i was talking about something else, you did, didn't you? Well, you were only half-right, this is the ultimate double damsel delight. Yep, twins. Just imagine it, you will think you are seeing double perfection.
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No matter where i go i am amazed at what incredible natural wonders of nature - i am of course talking about the female of the species and their attire wherever the sun decides to shine - The Earth just got HAWT!
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Do you like your babes geeky? Do you love yourself some Star Wars (pre George Lucas dicking around with it)? Then you'll love these pics. The force will be strong in your pants after checking these out.
Comments: 325
It's something that has happened to all red-blooded males with a pulse and GOD FORBID that there might be someone around with a camera to record the event when it does!
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We all have friends of the opposite sex, right? You know the kind, the one you pour your soul out to when you are drunk and keep an eye on when she is drunk...The one you secretly want to date, but you know she just wants to be friends.
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