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Fat Chick - Small Hole
A rather large girl attempts to jump through a gymnastics ring and hardly leaves the ground before she faceplants into the mat. If i were her i'd spend more time in science class learning about the laws of physics.
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Are you an EXTREME sports junkie who loves living life to the fullest & going to red carpet movie events? Do you have no fear, no limits, mad gymnastics skills, and Tom Ford's Face? Then you need to become a stuntman (or woman)
Comments: 6
Having a six-pack is essential if you want to pick up shallow, vacuous ladies. Having one that does this kind of nonsense is never essential. Unless you want to baffle medical science and gross out your friends.
Comments: 4
It's surprising that nobody has made a horse mod for GTA until now. Even so, I was kinda expecting to be able to ride around on a horse, not BE a horse and ride around in stolen cars. This way is better though, bravo.
Comments: 2
You're a zombie hellbent on the destruction of man but you want a flattering MySpace pic? Here's how.
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Hey seagull, WELCOME TO AMERICA. This is what happens if you're a seagull that is trying to steal American freedoms by eating the food that people have left out for you. You get caught, held aloft and mocked.
Comments: 3
If you're eating or just plain don't want a scare, look away now. This Chinese man has a second face, complete with hair and teeth growing out of his right cheek. He can even make it smile and frown.
Comments: 6
You would think four weeks of practice leading up to this track meet would be enough time for these last two girls to realize this just isn't their sport. But where's the fun in that!?
Comments: 2
Teasing dogs is a lot easier than teasing cats. For one thing, dogs are a lot more gullable and for another, they don't hold a grudge. If he had tricked this cat there's no way it wouldn't have sought retribution...
Comments: 1
A group of paramedics rush to assist and injured player off the field but end up dropping him on his head.
Comments: 3
This cute chick slammed her back on the water after she didn't rotate a flip enough. Her friends talk her into trying again and convince her to rotate a bit more - FAIL!
Comments: 2