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Epic Wake Skating
Most things look pretty awesome in slow motion and this video is no exception! There's ome pretty impressive tricks considering that all they've got to work with is a tow rope and a plank of wood.
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Forget road rage this is the real deal. Who knows what these people did to this goat to make it get so angry but it isn't going to stop for anyone now and it's in pure rage mode.
Comments: 0
Do you need to store something? Be it kilos of crack, a dead body, the Mona Lisa or even somebody you've kidnapped whose ransom you're waiting on, this guy will help you store it for a small fee - WTF!?!
Comments: 1,778
No one screams 'Jerry! Jerry!' on this talk show, but the little guy's blowup and the big guy's laughs are hilarious in any language.
Comments: 102
G’day mate! There’s nothing like getting the news that your tinny drinking, kangaroo shagging cousin from daaaan under is coming over for a little visit. It’s enough to make a grown man cry.
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A group of paramedics rush to assist and injured player off the field but end up dropping him on his head.
Comments: 3
A classic compilation of complete douche bags being complete douche bags, with some perfectly timed classical music just for you. Brilliant!
Comments: 0
Sorry, buddy, but your idiotic crash is just a little too late to qualify your truck for 'cash for clunkers.'
Comments: 483
He could have this man flayed alive, set on fire, forced to watch reruns of Sunset Beach or worst of all, made to eat a Pot Noodle. Unfortunately for the victim, this guy has much more fiendish torture in mind.
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If they remade Home Alone with a pair of robbers who were half way competent, the movie would be way shorter than the current version—and it wouldn't be quite such a PG-rated film either.
Comments: 4
Oh god yes. Okay, this film may end up being a load of old crap, but it's showing such promise! Giant robots versus monsters. I mean, what more could you possibly want? It's like a godzilla reboot, but good!
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