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When Goats Fight Back
Forget road rage this is the real deal. Who knows what these people did to this goat to make it get so angry but it isn't going to stop for anyone now and it's in pure rage mode.
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OK, who’s eaten all the kitty cat treats? Time for some third degree to find out the guilty party That is until one of them pulls a face that makes it look like an extra from an Aphex Twin video.
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Takabisha is a Gerstlauer Euro-Fighter steel roller coaster located at the Fuji-Q Highland theme park in Fujiyoshida, Yamanashi, Japan. It received worldwide media attention when it opened due to it having a drop angle of 121°.
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Poor fella looks like he'd rather be at the dentists having his teeth pulled than in bed with this psycho hose beast doing the horizontal monster mash. What a sissy. SCARY!
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What's the point in civilisation if nobody wants to be civilised? If you liked Falling Down but didn't feel that he went far enough, then this could be the perfect movie for you. Fiver says Jusutin Bieber dies in it.
Comments: 4
If you are a very specific person you will think this is one of the funniest things you have ever heard. Unless you were in the midst of an epic drug induced trip in which case you probably can’t read this.
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Ok, so you won't die. Mind your step is a street illusion in Stockholm at Sergels torg created by Erik Johansson. It looks totally awesome and must have taken some serious Pythagoras' theorem epicness to do!?
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You'll watch this & then your mind will be full of so many questions. Like how do his little feet reach the pedals? What happens if a cat crosses his path? Is he young enough to learn new driving tricks? And can he give me a lift?
Comments: 5
I never even knew that this was a proper sport, much less that it had been going long enough for talent like this to develop. I don't watch a lot of sport, but if I start, this will be top of my list!
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In Soviet Russia, there's no such thing as a boring snow day. They just call those 'weekdays.' Here's an example of someone making all of us look like wimps - OMG!
Comments: 4
Poor old people NEVER learn... - LOL
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