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Domino Pyramid Fail
It just leaves you wondering "What the hell did he do after this?"....The HORROR!. The time and effor the puts in and his proximity to his goal make all the funnier when he fails. Epic.
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This might be your only chance to see fifty pairs of sensuous lips, belonging to gorgeous models, talk directly at you. Sure, there might be the little inconvenience of a computer screen between you and them.
Comments: 0
Not only has he spent some serious years in a gym, he's also spent serious $$$ on some implants, all for the ladies. Seriously! What kind of chicks does this DIY douchebag think he's gonna attract with a physique real men weep?
Comments: 22
Gangnam is a pretty funky tune and Psy has got himself some sweet moves, but frankly I don't think the song is his any more. Hitler just comes with so much moore swag than psy ever could. It's his song now...
Comments: 0
The only good thing I've ever seen on an episode of X-Factor. This guy, disgruntled with the judges judgements, lets them have a piece of his mind. This man deserves a freaking medal. I love him. I want be bear his tuneless babies.
Comments: 1,776
Baby's first words can be a wonderful thing, something to record on video and play to proud grandparents and relatives, it's pure magic. However, sometimes it just doesn't come out as you intended.
Comments: 5
This might very well be the coolest game ever invented and if they are looking for more players I'm in.
Comments: 308
For those of you wearing hats with stickers on them, here is a handy guide showing you how to remove them so you don't look like such a twat. It's the hood rat equivalent of keeping Teenie Beanie Baby labels on. Grow up.
Comments: 3
"Camp Kuleshov" is a competition in NYC, CHI and LA between assistant editors. They are given a film trailer and asked to mash it right up so that it barely resembles the original. This took first place.
Comments: 1
It sounds crazy but reports indicate that a Big Mac, fried, nuggets and coke taste better after 10 or so minutes in a rice cooker. Well, it couldn't make them taste any worse eh? Thanks again, Japan!
Comments: 1
A skydiver jumps out of a plane and hits another jumper knocking him unconscious. Scary stuff, but fortunately his quick-thinking buddies pull his parachute while he's in free-fall.
Comments: 1