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Breast Implants On A Dude - WTF!?!
Not only has he spent some serious years in a gym, he's also spent serious $$$ on some implants, all for the ladies. Seriously! What kind of chicks does this DIY douchebag think he's gonna attract with a physique real men weep?
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A Cleveland police officer pushes an 18-year old driver out of the way of an out-of-control car before being struck himself on an icy highway. The officer's pelvis was broken, but he is expected to survive.
Comments: 1
An alligator whisperer casually plucks a gator out of the water and lifts it above his head - in a scene reminiscent of Dirty Dancing. Tour guide Lance Lacrosse, 29, was recorded performing the stunt in a swamp in Louisiana.
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Jabooodydubs roll out another instant classic. No Billy Mays in sight, just a monotonous old guy with a jumper covered in pussy hair and a screechy old woman rollering the fur of her pooch.
Comments: 1
It's ok, no one was seriously injured in this crash. That aside, what the show was attempting to do was pit a Corvette ZR1 against an AH1 Cobra helicopter. The helicopter lost.
Comments: 0
It's pretty eye catching, but is it worth the dough? Also, where do the batteries go? It's pretty cool if you're into that kind of thing, but I'd rather have something a bit more functional for my money...
Comments: 0
I didnt know Britains wildlife had so much talent, remarkable achievement, it really is !
Comments: 3
This dude decided to take his GoPro camera out with him on maneuvers and film the whole thing. If you didn't want to ride in a fighter jet before watching this, then you probably will afterwards.
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The man with the Guinness world record for having the world's most elastic epidermis is back in the news for being unusually malleable. Probably shouldn't count as news, but definitely interesting if you haven't seen it.
Comments: 3
Turns out that even a scruffy furball that someone has thrown away can be a great little money spinner if you post some funny pictures of it online. Big thanks to the Cheezburgr network for making this all possible.
Comments: 3
In the music business there iss no peace and harmony behind the scenes its claws out bitchin all the way !
Comments: 6