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Clairvoyant Fail
I don't really put much stock in anything a clairvoyant says. If they're claiming supernatural powers, they're either mentally unstable or professional con artists. This guy feels the same way and proves it!
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Written by drunk people, performed by drunk people—and no doubt consumed by drunk people. Several Portland writers got together one night for an experiment in writing a script drunk.
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Rather than allowing knowledge to proliferate, the internet has just made the spread of misinformation easier. So many misconceptions, so little time to fact check, which is why this vid comes in handy.
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There are a lot of contentious protests about, ones that you'd have to have a sit and think about before you decided whether you agree with them or not. This one is a total no-brainer, just like the man behind it.
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It sounds like something from a sci-fi movie, but it means the girls can have as many costume changes as they like. - KEWL!
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Super friends, attack!... each other LOL
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This is a rare situation, but Rugby rules clearly state that if a ball is bounced off a ref’s head, a koala must be put to sleep.
Comments: 17
Can’t wait for the new iPhone? Well if this video is anything to go by it will be right up your street. Apple are focussing all their efforts on making your pictures of food better than ever!
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If you never went to college and want to know what it's like to go, it's a lot like this. It's like a montage of this and failing on tests. There's a hint of learning but it's mostly about hangovers.
Comments: 4
And it's about time too. Well, it's not about time, it's about a standardized set of letters, but still. So yo, let's hear it for this updating of a classic. It's a fresh rap with the same sick lyrics, it's gonna go global yo.
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If you need a refresher on your alphabet but find that Sesame Street's sanitised & utopian feel has you reaching for the sick bags, Fat Awesome are here to help while keeping it street. Wurd!
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