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Civilization 5 Review
FitzThistleWits is back with another of his hilariously pointless video game reviews. This time he's playing the hour sapping Civilization 5 and as usual he's not exactly impressed with the game...
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So, impressed with the latest instalments of Call Of Duty and Halo?, well hold on to your game pad because we present to you the ultimate gaming experience with Coleco Telstar! I am truly in awe!
Comments: 0
Xmas is coming & the Penguins are flying - I thought the chubby little critters could only swim, seems like i was TOTALLY misinformed - LOL
Comments: 1
This guy's got a sick mind but still had a great time performing this little trick.. - LOL
Comments: 0
Possibly not what you were expecting from the title, but weirdly enough it's probably more entertaining. There's something immensely enjoyable about watching people being blasted with air 'til they look like Droopy Dog.
Comments: 3
Weddings, most definitely a time for happiness, a time for friends and family to share in the joy of union between to people. A time for photographers to scrap like hungry dogs. Awesome.
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Is she crazy because she doesn't have a boyfriend or does she not have a boyfriend because she's crazy? It's not really a question you want to go upto her and ask.
Comments: 1
Alright fellas, helmet punches and pushing are ok, but nothing below the belt. It's too easy for you guys to fight dirty out here.
Comments: 1
Look what happens when you mix Eminem with Gordon Ramsay... throw in a bit of Vanilla Ice as well !
Comments: 2
Have you pulled a muscle in your back? Maybe you sprained a finger opening a tin of baked beans? Well whatever you’ve done, you deserve some money, after all, it’s not like you asked for that tin opener to be so difficult, did you?
Comments: 0
Prepare to be totally shocked! A restaurant in Japan fries the body of a fish in oil but keeps the head out so that the fish is alive when it is served to its customers. I dunno if i could stomach eating this - WTF!!?
Comments: 16