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Flying Penguins OMG
Xmas is coming & the Penguins are flying - I thought the chubby little critters could only swim, seems like i was TOTALLY misinformed - LOL
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A parody of Justin Bieber and Sean Kingston's hit song Eenie Meenie. It may be a parody, but I find it a lot more entertaining than anything Justin has done.....Or will ever do!
Comments: 4
It’s tough being a gleaming beacon of excellence when you’re surrounded by shoddy halfwits who couldn’t do their jobs if it was organising a piss-up in a Jack Daniels distillery.
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If you ever find yourself in one of those bowling match/dance-off situations that are so common, this is the guy you want on your team. How the hell did he do this?
Comments: 1
Doesn't seem like anything will keep this guy from giving up on performing a hand stand on the back of his car until he slams through his rear windshield.
Comments: 4
It's enough to give you a heart-attack. Twice. A hidden camera confronts shoppers with their own mortality, replacing a friendly looking, scythe carrying farmer with a vision of the Grim Reaper.
Comments: 2
Posts on Facebook ruining your life? The solution? Post more. And more. Post all the time every day, all year until you post so much you’ve not seen daylight in eons and you look like Howard Hughes’s toe nails at his most reclusive.
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Some people jump from atop buildings with parachutes strapped to their backs, some leap out of moving planes. Jeremy Clarkson rolls Reliant Robins. Because that’s how he — ahem — rolls.
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It's a corny thing to say but 'I guess that's what happens when you don't let the cat out of the bag' - Sometimes you just have to say to yourself 'WTF!?!' and just try and find no reason for some things!
Comments: 5
This dude tries to ride a rail but quickly wipes out and is confused as to what the hell just happened.
Comments: 3
It’s hard not to like an advert that features a My Little Pony and a cocktail made from milk, banana and a jet fighter. This advert features both of those and introduces you to Vytautas, also known as Earth Juice. Delicious.
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