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Cat Logic
If you haven't been paying attention up until now and need this summarised in a single sentence: Cats are douchebags. Adorable, fluffy only-eating-the-middle-of-their-food douchebags.
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Walruses are large, terrifying beasts, who pull their behemoth bodies along, showing off their giant tusks that could rip through your body like a hit knife through butter. But killing them is easy, when you know how.
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No? Then get the f#cking camera out my face!
Comments: 1
In case you didn't know, North Face is a reference to mountaineering chosen because in the northern hemisphere the north face of a mountain is usually the hardest to climb, and everyone who wears their gear is a mountain climbing badass.
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It's good to know in a time of crisis that you always have a government service looking for your back, a group of people who will stop at nothing to bring criminals to justice. Scarlett Johanssen must be relieved!?
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Life's eternal question and if you get it wrong it could mean a whole world of pain! but never fear, follow this helpful guide and you will be set for a life of bliss!
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Street artist Banksy makes a statement about the olympics and the slightly over-the-top security surrounding them in this soon to be washed off stencil.
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No matter how many exams you have or how they are scheduled, there will always be people who finish before you and are willing to rub it in by hanging out in the sunshine and posting carefree updates to Facebook.
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Yeah, this pic pretty much sums up the Republican hypocrisy. Less government involvement in business, but they have no problem with the government telling us how to live!
Comments: 3
Why they got to be hatin? If you find this van parked in your neighborhood, it might be a good time to find a new place to live - for your children's sake!
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Need a picture of your butt and just can't quite get the right angle in the mirror, no problem. Just shout her name and she will come to save the day in taking a salacious Facebook profile picture. Mom's are awesome!
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