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Cat Boxing A Dog WTF
A cat stands on its hind legs and throws some pretty mean punches at a dog that was picking on it.
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Soccer is a game of balance and agility, or so I thought...
Comments: 2
Next time you get your dog to roll over, just so you can impress your friends, make sure they haven't seen this because this dog is better than yours. MUCH better.
Comments: 2
It's a classic prank. Probably as old as time itself. If you haven't seen it, watch and learn. If you want to pull a fast one on a mate and give him a lump on the head, there is no finer way to do so. Enjoy!
Comments: 3
Know what an Ibex is? No. Me neither. But this big guy’s certainly pissed at someone or something. Maybe that’s why he’s so annoyed with life – he spends all his time trying to be noticed :(
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Here we have the archetypes of drinking, recounted in legend, painted on the caves of Europe in prehistoric times, etched in stone on the ancient granite of the Sierra Nevada!
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There's nothing the internet likes more than making fun of something that's actually pretty serious. it doesn't get much more serious than an assassination attempt so here's the internet, doing what they do best!
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The infamous "Dictator" appears on morning TV in Australia. He doesn't pull any punches and has more than likely caused the producer of the show to get fired...
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So you think that messing about on the river is boring? Wrong. You obviously haven't hung out with these idiots. Witness a totally insane explosion of a leaking propane tank being shot with a rifle.
Comments: 11
A skier gets buried alive under 8 feet of snow in Verbier, Switzerland. Luckily, he was able to form a large enough air pocket to stay alive until his buddies dug him out. Still wanna ski when the snow comes?
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If you thought that television programming had already hit rock bottom with The Jersey Shore, you'd be wrong. TLC's latest little gem of a show removes the dignity of deaths embrace in the name of entertainment.
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