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Carnie Clipped By Roller Coaster
Is this how carnival employees carpool to work? He's incredibly lucky to be alive, even though he still suffered a broken leg.
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Until this point lie detectors have never been 100%. This one is never caught out and doesn't even require you to be liberally coated in electrodes. Great little comedy skit with a dark sense of humor.
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Well, what the hell did they think was going to happen? Maybe he just shouldn’t put a highly flammable liquid on a fire and expect it to not go crazy. Maybe.
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More animated awesomeness from B3ta's Cyriak as he shows off his talents on Showtime Shorts. Recoil in horror as he conjures circuit-board spiders and monsters made of meat from his limitless but warped imagination.
Comments: 7
When you attempt to cross the roads in India it kinda makes you think about the old-skool classic arcade game 'Frogger' - OMG !
Comments: 28
New Jersey has swamps, guidos, hair gel, and Snooki. Why not have a 3 year old running the place...
Comments: 3
Fed up with never finding his bucket the walrus has found a new love dancing to Michael Jackson :)
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A very lucky driver suffers only a bruised leg when a car slams into his truck as he tries to change its tire.
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A guy in a Corvette attempts to overtake a car on the highway and sends both cars skidding off the road. I wonder how many "I'm sorries" he would have to say before there were no hard feelings.
Comments: 8
Lais Ribeiro is her name and inspiring innumerable teenage hormone turmoil is her game. No granny bloomers here, just cute cotton panties worn by a woman who's pertness is enough to make a grown man cry.
Comments: 194
In this funny sketch by College Humor, a grandmother's romantic love story from her youth seems a whole lot creepier when it takes place in the modern world. So basically, yeah, your grandpa was a creep.
Comments: 2