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Canadian Sports Reporter Blooper
This Canadian sports reporter forgets that he is doing a live report from the Chicago Blackhawks United Center and his reaction to his mess up is awesome.
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Legs-that-go-on-forever Ling has got just about the most perfect trim body i have ever had the pleasure to witness !
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Marching bands aren't usually cool. they're usually about as cool as rampant herpes pustules, but this band have somehow managed to be a marching band while simultaneously being cooler than the fonz.
Comments: 1
Time for a Cat Face Christmas special! In this festive episode the huge-headed one is visited by the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future. this is all sounding strangely familiar...
Comments: 1
Not for the faint of heart to try out! This dude decides to chicken out on his third attempt, but the gods of FAIL decide to honor him and step in and slam his face into the sidewalk anyway.
Comments: 148
So you're off on a night out, you catch the bus into town, catch up with your mates, catch...an STI!?
Comments: 4
If you thought you're dad was big and strong when you were a kid, just compare him to this guy and try not to think about what a wimp your father is. To be honest i thought he was going to explode when he tried this lift.
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All you social media gurus out there would do well to watch this video. Again. And again. Maybe take some notes too, because these guys totally owned when it came to sorting out an 8-year-old girl’s birthday party.
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Prepare to witness awesome! Sometimes science can be really cool and amaze you. The slime can be applied to any surface and material and will repel any liquid that touches. Think. No more dirty clothes.
Comments: 1
..And Snape had it coming.. -LOL
Comments: 28
Water is a real nasty mudda! It's an unforgiving b#stard & when it gets cold and freezes it gets real mean and has an evil attraction to total dumb f#cks who think the Titanic was for pussies - Farewell dummies - LIVE & learn!
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