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CSI Gets Naughty
Whatever you do just make sure that the blue light never shines on you if you've been doing something naughty - LOL !
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This is SO elaborate i almost wonder whether he's out to actually kill rather than just prank her, but the payoff is a such a delight to witness, so who really cares! This guy's on a slippery slope, and so was she... Oooooooooo!!!
Comments: 0
The special effects master, Freddie Wong, teams up with the epic meal guy to make epic special effects. So you get a storm of guns raining down, planets taking up the sky, and lots of cool cars and helicopters.
Comments: 0
The subway is a pretty dangerous, crazy place, but thankfully the quick reflexes of this conductor saved a life.
Comments: 7
It doesn't matter how cute you are, sooner or later FAIL is gonna come looking for you - I wonder if her prom entrance was equally as graceful as this particular fall.
Comments: 33
Andrew Gunadie has created a music mashup straight out of your childhood dreams. The Toronto-based keyboarder made amazing mixes of some of the best cartoon theme songs from the '90s.
Comments: 1
Just like the Eskimos use huskies to pull their snow sled, this gnarly skater swaps huskies for pitbulls, snow for suburban streets and a sled for a skateboard to show how to get around your neighborhood like a boss.
Comments: 1,859
It's true what they say, size DOES matter and in this case it's just one inch. This kid faceplants hard into the edge of a curb after coming up just short on a fence jump.
Comments: 3
If there's one thing that sticks in your memory abour Road House it's that there was a lot of face violence. Faces being kicked, faces being punched. Here's a handy compilation of all of the face punches. Enjoy!
Comments: 30
This turtle is doing it all wrong. The female is supposed to be the one saying "Wow."
Comments: 2
This is rigged! He totally took a fall.
Comments: 1