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Pit Bulls Pull Skateboard Like a Snow Sled
Just like the Eskimos use huskies to pull their snow sled, this gnarly skater swaps huskies for pitbulls, snow for suburban streets and a sled for a skateboard to show how to get around your neighborhood like a boss.
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Are you ready for the coolest party of the rest of your life? If the answer is 'yes' then we need some essential goodies to make this happen - One account and one login is all you need to get started. Plug in, turn on and tune out.
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Three scientists have vanished, two bloggers are under seige and one man has a message to deliver !
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Hungover climber gets his knee stuck in an off-width climb called Boogie ’til You Poop - hilarity and brutality ensues. Here we see the two dramatic 'faeces' of comedy & tragedy played out in full. Majestic.
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Spotting celebrities and having your picture taken with them is pretty awesome. You can make all of you facebook friends seethe with jealous rage. Or you could just snap pics with complete strangers...
Comments: 2
Watching fat people eat shit on scooters has to be one of the greatest things ever. So that's why we posted this video!
Comments: 2
He looks a bit like Syler and with his sudden new found telekinetic superpower he could be the real-life super villain - at least that's probably what he was thinking in this classic. Fabregas gets Punk'd and he never saw it coming !!
Comments: 1
She's the percolator and it is time for her, so make way for her astonishing table dancing. The only thing she ends up percolating is that table, just wait until mom and dad get home and realise their precious table is ruined. LMAO.
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The only thing he taught these kids is not to eat the floor. OUCH !!!
Comments: 33
The only serious factor about this military man-love mania is shouldn't they be patrolling the base or neutralizing some enemy scumbags? Who cares though really, if their foe saw this they'd probably run away screaming!
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This kid gets his buddies to watch him do a backflip off a swing but at the last moment opts for the impressive 10ft face slide on the asphalt instead. I'd score this a 9.9 for total effort - LOL!
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