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Broken Nose Exercise FAIL
Im guessing this is why home-installed pull up bars have weight restrictions - OMG!
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One minute you're having a great time singing some Frank Sinatra on the karaoke, next a hail of machine gun fire is filling the air. But lets be completely clear, while it's OK to shoot people, it is in no way OK to drink and drive.
Comments: 2
Not content with the difficulty of a regular slalom on skis, this dude kicks one off and goes solo. He makes it an astonishing way down the mountain before he bails. I was kinda hoping he'd do a backflip though...
Comments: 1
Some seriously impressiving riding shot from this dude's handlebar camcorder as he rides a narrow clifftop trail at Ludicrous Speed. If anyone could simply mountain bike into Mordor, this guy could.
Comments: 2
This looks cool when you get it right, but get it wrong and meet PAIN! It looks like support for Parkour is crumbling in Russia - sometimes you hit the wall & sometimes the wall hits YOU - OUCH!
Comments: 5
Watching fat people eat shit on scooters has to be one of the greatest things ever. So that's why we posted this video!
Comments: 2
This is a pretty damn awesome idea. Spot an opportunity, snap some pictures, digitize them, model your artwork with CAD tools, 3d print it then glue it in place. Genius. I want a go at this!
Comments: 1
Remember when your mom told you not to make faces or your face would stay like that? Well, apparently no one ever told this woman - LOL
Comments: 1
Holy crap I don't think I would like to get my head caught in this things jaws - A very nice croc demonstrates the carnage caused on a poor substitute watermelon - OMFG!
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2013, what a year it was, it had talking dogs and basketball-playing wizards and that was just on Vine - it’s time to stop what you’re doing and catch up with the year in Vine.
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A doting cat owner tries to capture a memorable moment with his cute new kitty, but he hadn't bargained on the jealousy of another cat, a cat who doesn't like anyone encroaching on his turf of being adorable.
Comments: 2