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Bird Nom
To nom, or not to nom: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous hunger, or to take arms against a sea of nomables, and by opposing eat them?
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The great thing about this is that if anyone complains, you can just blame it on the Alzheimer's
Comments: 1
This is a phrase that women use all the time but frankly I agree with Ashton. Until you've had to pee with morning wood, you don't know the meaning of the word.
Comments: 1,163
There was a time, pre-internet, a place where a Sony Walkman meant you were a techno-king amongst men, when cosplay was the just fat men dressed up as Zelda. That still goes on, but now you get this too.
Comments: 0
This dog is so awesome, if he ever wakes up from his slumber the Queen of England will have to relinquish her throne and bow down to this god in canine form. The king is dead long live this dog.
Comments: 0
So you are just browsing the Russian roulette equivalent of websites for abit of fun and then someone familiar appears in the window. You feel sure you've seen that face before. then the horror hits!
Comments: 0
Wow! What a nice tight perfect butt! Someone please comment and tell us who this hottie newscaster is!
Comments: 4
Arachnophobia is a debilitating affliction. You don't even need to be a sufferer to feel it's sting. If your flatmate has it, you could come home to this.
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We've found the current SFW/NSFW warning system far too simple for internet surfers needs. Please use this new labeling system for all future posts. Thank you for your cooperation.
Comments: 20
Listen to the lady, she speaks perfect sense. This is the sort of pic you need hanging up on the inside of your locker, or attached above your bathroom mirror. Just to remind yourself.
Comments: 0
This chick must REALLY like her Disney movies. If this is an actual tattoo and not merely painted on she's got some impressive pain threshold too. If she makes a good sammich too, I'd hit it.
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