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Bird Nom
To nom, or not to nom: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous hunger, or to take arms against a sea of nomables, and by opposing eat them?
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Back then it had a silent 'y' and was actually pronounced yogging. And you could only go if you took two hot chicks in skimpy clothes with you. That was just how it was back then, go ask Ron Burgundy if you don't believe it.
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Sometimes 'strange' is really better left well alone, but what has been seen can NEVER be unseen - There are so many things seriously wrong in this image I just don't know where to start, phone Chris Hansen?
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It's not like it used to be. In the old days sitting on potential riches was a good thing, now it just makes you a target for 'freedom', 'democracy' and if you're really unlucky a bunch of fast food joints popping up...
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If your bf is a tattoo artist, NEVER cheat on him! So, if your girlfriend's been cheating on you? Don't go crazy. Make sure she's happy to let you give her a sh#t tattoo...(and sign a consent form)
Comments: 4
You know when you just have to send that text message - It looks like this was one of those times.
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Remember that cute little TV show Tellitubbies that your kid brother/sister/YOU used to watch, can you recall the baby sun that used to shine over them? Well, prepare to feel very old my friend!
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Engrish is all the rage. If you haven't got things written on your chest in an incomprehensible foreign language then you're just not cool. Even if the words are off the back of a packet of preparation H. Who cares? It's cool.
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Bored of real life, nothing going your way? Why not do what this guy did and create a Sim of yourself and live out your weird fantasies in a virtual world. Then go see a psychiatrist you goddamn freak.
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There's a new theme park in town! However, you better go visit the Death Star pretty quickly, I hear the rebels are closing in!
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Can you say invasion of privacy?
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