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Amazing Acrobatic Gymnastics
At the finals at the 2010 World Championships in Wroclaw, Poland the Ukrainian team do something a 'little bit special'. I can eat a whole family size bag of Doritos in one sitting by myself. Let's see them do that!
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A motorcycle & a mini-truck are driving down a street when the mini-truck crashes to avoid the bike attempting a stoppie. Who's at fault? Answer: India, for pretending mini trucks are an acceptable mode of transportation.
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We all remember that scene from the movie Big where Tom Hanks plays chopsticks on a giant piano. Well, here he re-enacts that classic moment with a little help from actress Sandra Bullock.
Comments: 0
Holy Darwin, what the hell is going on here? He's just letting you know there's nowhere you can hide. Your leg will be humped! Now lets see him get down again :)
Comments: 103
There are two good things to come out of this. One, his sandals are now clean. Two, all the diseases in New York are now quarantined within one man.
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There's some instantly recognisable album covers in this video, I think I can probably guess them all
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Sometimes it's best to know your limits. A fat kid tries to impress his buddies by doing a simple jump over a couple chairs but doesn't notice the light fixture above until he slams his face into it.
Comments: 50
So what’s wrong with a post-coital bong? It’s simple maths. If one is enjoyable, then adding two of the most pleasurable activities on this earth together can only result in something even better. Amirite?
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A hot chick tied to a chair, and police storming the front doors? Wait a minute... is this Charlie Sheen's house? This is the best house-for-sale advertisement ever.
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This chubby redneck must have been a pitbull terrrier in his previous life!
Comments: 3
Sick of spending a shedload of money for ridiculously overdesigned and overpriced shaving solutions? Then this could be just what you're looking for. Even if you prefer your vibrating razor, it's still a great advert.
Comments: 42