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A Firm Bite
This chubby redneck must have been a pitbull terrrier in his previous life!
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This is definitely no Dumbo we have here. You've got to give the elephant credit here. He probably should've knocked the guy out for messing with his food, but he waited.
Comments: 2
James Cameron teams up with George Lucas, JJ Abrams and Michael Bay to make the ultimate version of Titanic. I'm fairly sure that this is a parody, but it's so close to reality that's it's hard to tell...
Comments: 2
This is a hard one to watch. A couple soccer players race towards the ball and one of them slides into the others leg.
Comments: 0
A guy takes his takes his friends up in his Slingsby Firefly T-67 and performs some midair tricks and films their reactions—some of them look like they're enjoying it, some of them look like they hate it.
Comments: 1
Shades? Check. Motorbike? Check. inability to control said motorbike? Big check! Even with shades and a bike it's hard to look cool when you've just catapulted yourself over the handlebars and taken a big hungry bite out of the asphault...
Comments: 2
It's not often you see a touching tribute to a deceased cockroach. That's mainly because exterminators aren't the sentimental types, but that doesn't stop this from being interesting and pretty much unique.
Comments: 1
When it comes to drinking you should always remember to only pass out in your own bed, with none of your friends in the house so they can't tape you to the walls and spray you in urine or paint you the colors of unicorn sh#t.
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Forget the young Bruce Wayne being stuck down an old well and terrorized by bats, THIS is what really happened. No wonder he was pissed when someone killed his dad, it took away the oppertunity of him doing it himself.
Comments: 87
It sucks to be the guy at the bottom of the pyramid except for times like this. Hahahaha.
Comments: 6
The good old invisible rope prank pulled off on a few more motorists and a biker.
Comments: 3