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iPhone 4S Upgrade Bargain
Worried that you might be cast out from the flock for owning a 'SO yesterday' iPhone 4 and haven't got enough cash to upgrade? Well fear not, for under one buck you can be the envy of all your lesser iPhone 4 buddies.
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It's a smart idea to always have some food with you in case you find yourself miles from anywhere and feel a little peckish. Make sure you wrap it up to keep it fresh, or better still, make sure it's still alive. Nom.
Comments: 2
Our grandfathers watched their buddies die face down in the mud so that future generations of men could dye and spike their hair, wear pink wigs, and prance about like a limp fairy.
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If you hadn't heard, Disney have just bought Lucasfilm and are planning a seventh Star Wars Film. Mickey Mouse might not be the best person to do this, but he can't be any worse than George Lucas...
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Remember that cute little TV show Tellitubbies that your kid brother/sister/YOU used to watch, can you recall the baby sun that used to shine over them? Well, prepare to feel very old my friend!
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Comments: 1
Only joking. You look like you're breaking out in rainbow acne. Looks like a clown finished up on your face. Christ, as if doing this to yourself wasn't bad enough now you take pictures of it? Not cool. Not cool at all.
Comments: 2
Not sure what's happened here. Looks like somebody hit it and hit it hard. Not realising that was just an expression for wanting to tap a girl, rather than actually use your car to hit her.
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He may be a notorious tough guy who used to work for the KGB & now controls Russia, but he likes nothing more than to wave at animals, providing they wave back of course. If they don't, he can get real angry.
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The Big Bad Wolf and the Cool-Aid man. when there's a house that the wolf can't huff and puff and blow down, then it's time for the Cool-Aid catchphrase and clouds of brick dust. Someone should put this on a t-shirt.
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A description of this photo can't really do it the justice it so richly deserves, it's just, well it's just a little bit weird is all. There's a dog in it and a woman and she's grinning. She's grinning a lot. WTF!?!
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