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Velvet Assassin
Behind the open battles fought in WWII secret agents were immersed deep behind enemy lines...
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These little kittens have got some skills, on the wheels of steel mixing it up, scratching, and generally sounding just as good as most DJs. They should have their own club night & become superstar DJs in no time.
Comments: 4
This skateboard stunt is what happens when you have too much time and lighter fluid on your hands. Don't attempt this. It requires a professional level of stupidity.
Comments: 46
If you look past the camera angles and all the cinematography, his wrists do look awfully limp while he's chasing down a perp. I'd be willing to wager he even knows how to play hopscotch and sells cookies door to door...
Comments: 0
They’ve hit a great formula here, this video has a British guy in glasses, cats, slow motion, guns, explosions, stupid jokes, and a surprise plot twist, all the correct ingredients for a delicious Internet video.
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Even soccer stars like Fabregas cross over to the dark side !
Comments: 1,786
This guy works his way to the top of Red Gates, Russia's tallest skyscraper. At that height, everyone fighting, wrecking cars, and consuming Vodka should look like ants to him.
Comments: 2
It's what we were all kinda expecting to happen and I for one felt cheated when it didn't. Ivan Drago was robbed. I would pay damn good money to see a feature length remake with this as the ending.
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AKA: "Shit Batman Would Never Say". There are a lot of things that Batman would probably not say. Here's a few of them as the might be said in Chrisitian Bale's ridiculously low pitched, gritty voice.
Comments: 1,773
So, you're the sort of person who's too lazy to take their pants down when they need to poop? Well, then frankly you don't deserve to live. But because you do, then get this giant nappy suit & get mocked everywhere you go.
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Just a gentle reminder that beer bottles can be opened with pretty much anything. An iPod, a slice of pizza, a nailgun, another bottle of beer and even your own bare forearm (presumably twist of caps only).
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