Zach Galifianakis' Swimsuit Calendar
That swimsuit colour really brings out his eyes and compliments his Rubenesque body, one for the spank bank...But in all seriousness, let hope for the sake of all humanity he doesn't do Playboy.
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As impressive as these are it seems such a waste of the time spent creating them as they are only there for a few days at the most, before they totally dry out and fall to pieces. It must be sad to see such awesome sculptures fade so quickly.
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This weeks dump is huge. Seriously massive. If it was an actual dump it would need to be delivered by c-section. 120 pictures deep it's not for the fair of heart. Your clicking finger is about to enter the RSI danger zone. Enjoy.
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Modern high speed cameras allow photographers to catch every little expression on a sportsmans face and boy does physical exertion contort them.
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I'm not sure how many of these have accents or even how many have visited their ancestral homelands, but that doesn't matter because they are very cute. If they told me they were from Mars, that would be fine too.
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It really is true what they say about 'What is seen can never be unseen!', because no matter how much someone tried to put any of these photos in context it wouldn't cahnge your formed opinion of 'WTF!?!'
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A colorful collection of wasted women who still manage to look cute with their heads stuck down the toilet bowl & vomit coming out of their mouths! It's amazing there was still someone left standing to capture this with a camera!
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Drawing iPad applications can do real miracle letting artists from different countries of the world create amazing finger paintings. It is difficult to believe that all these masterpieces were drawn on the tablet, but it is true.
Comments: 30
Lets face it, they chew your furniture & shoes, attract dirt like they are magnetized, eat anything and throw up what doesn't seem to get digested and hump the leg of the person who will be the most offended. But. We love them more than words can say.
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There is something very spicy about the way this spicy Mexican beauty wears her body - You wouldn't kick her out of bed just for leaving taco crumbs !
Comments: 358
After seeing these you could say that the definition of beauty is 'when you can go out without make-up and not be mistaken for a dude in a wig'. Most of these girls you could pass in the street and not have a clue who they were...
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