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Woman Ages 50 Years In Days
She went from 23 to 73 in no time at all, which means there were probably a couple of hours where she was a really hot cougar. Surprisingly this was the result of a medical condition and not an unhappy marriage.
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Behold! The most famous cats of the interwebz - Rejoice as Grumpy Cat, Colonel Meow, Oskar the Blind Cat, Nala Cat, and Hamilton the Hipster Cat come together—what a time to be alive.
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Will Smith's latest flick After Earth is so bad, seriously, it really is - it looks like they had trouble finishing this one. Can we please finally all agree to not let M. Night Shyamalan make any more movies??
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Moving across a wall through town, we follow an odd, crazy story.. - COOL
Comments: 3
A new piece of Banksy graffitti has been discovered in Libya and the locals are very excited about the implications for the future of their country and all the resultant tourism...
Comments: 5
Are you bored of those ridiculous life hack videos, made to show you how dumb you are? Well so is the person who made this. These life hacks will have you loling all the way to lunch time.
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Controlling a GoPro with an Arduino Yun, this guy was able to create a camera that would automatically take short video clips of the high fives he gave strangers as he walked along in San Francisco.
Comments: 685
Another piece of WTFery from a incomprehensible depths of the You Tubes. If this makes any kind of sense to you then you should probably seek professional help. For the record this is my new favourite lip synch vid.
Comments: 1
Pulling an awesome wheelie is one thing, but doing it right in front of a cop car and peeling away like a bat out of hell when they get the blues and twos going is way more memorable. Dude even managed to get away too! Kudos.
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Soccer is a game of balance and agility, or so I thought...
Comments: 2
This video does exactly what it says on the tin. There is a dog that is trying to act like a cat and he fails. I bet you all the money in my pocket that the cat does a totally convincing impression of the dog...
Comments: 13