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Wheelchair Kid Rushes Soccer Field - WTF!?!
This kid tries to join the on-field celebration before getting yanked off by his dad. Now his dad is probably going to ground him: 'You can't leave your wheelchair for two weeks!'
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Jabooodydubs roll out another instant classic. No Billy Mays in sight, just a monotonous old guy with a jumper covered in pussy hair and a screechy old woman rollering the fur of her pooch.
Comments: 1
What exactly was the marketing genius behind associating sprite with semen?
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This dude squares up to his kick for nearly a minute then completely misses the target and hits his buddy in the nuts.
Comments: 1
If you're a guy then you'll be wincing as much as you'll be laughing at this video. 4 minutes of guys taking it to the nuts is always going to grab your attention though. Lets be careful out there!
Comments: 970
Oh man this is a perfect demonstration of the Flop. Only problem is she totally misses the height marker and fails so hard it is actually untrue.
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TV show 'Family Feud' just got interesting! Well, now it makes a lot more sense why he told his family 'Don't you worry 'bout that' when they asked what he'd do with his part of the winnings if they made it on the show.
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This dude pours gasoline into a fish tank tosses a match into it and then drops a large piece of wood on top.
Comments: 103
It doesn't look all THAT low until you see the whites of the eyes of the onlookers and they stop waving, look panicked and scatter in all directions. From the outside view it looks like he might have trimmed the lawn...
Comments: 264
Girls in exotic locations lounging around in bikinis with flowers in their hair looking all pretty and adorable. Why? Who really cares, that’s not what’s important. What’s important is it’s been made and we can see it for free.
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In case you hadn't had enough of the whole Gangnam fad, here's a version of Psy's one hit wonder without any of the music. Just a crazy korean bloke dancing around in relative silence. Very weird.
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