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What's The Deal With Acura NSX?
Jerry Seinfeld is so excited about the new Acura NSX that he will stop at nothing to acquire the very first one. Check out the extended version of Acura's big game commercial.
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It makes for great viewing, but also for a seriously expensive garage repair bill for the owner of this car - Leave the drifting to the professionals in the Middle East and Tokyo! OUCH!
Comments: 2
Scenes that were either unscripted in part or in their entirety, here's the ultimate list of the top 25 such moments. Some of these may surprise you due to their awesomeness, others are more renowned.
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If you’re feeling like you’re pretty rubbish at life, then meet Lise Linde Kronenberg, a one year old baby who can play a piano concert. Ish. By the time this child is five she’ll be president of the universe while juggling.
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With a Watchmen spinoff already underway despite the objections of Watchmen creator Alan Moore and the co-creator of The Avengers not getting a dime from the Avengers movie, these shenanigans aren't as unlikely as you might think.
Comments: 1
You’d think riding a scooter would be pretty easy, just jump on the thing, turn the engine on and off you go. But as with most things in life, it’s rarely ever that simple—well not for these idiots anyway.
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These four guys were in near perfect unison up until one of them smashes his nuts on the top of a parking bollard.
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Apple takes on Google Earth – with previously classified military tech (Apple bought the company). Welcome to the world of tomorrow! Today.
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There's plenty more imaginative deaths to enjoy in the grisly third instalment of this horror franchise - AWESOME!
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This just may answer that old question of nature vs. nurture: Are girls naturally terrible drivers or is it a learned behavior? I have a feeling that genetical research may well yield the answers to this mystery.
Comments: 5
This video speaks the truth.. Thank goodness phones now learn words not in their original dictionaries- LOL
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