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WTF Mirror Scene
If you can watch all of this without it making your brain explode, watch it again and pay more attention. It's seriously trippy in terms of cinematography. MY CAMERA IS A MIRROR. YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID.
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8-bit Cinema "gamifies" your favorite Hollywood Blockbusters into 80's arcade and NES inspired action—behold Pulp Fiction retold via old-school 8-bit (and a little 16 bit ;) game tech. No quarters or controllers required!
Comments: 2
Surveillance cameras show a quick-thinking guy save his classic Ford Mustang just in the nick of time, after not setting the parking brake caused the car to roll backwards out of a garage and nearly crash.
Comments: 314
This is like, literally, like, Rachel Zoe literally saying literally, like, literally, all the time. I'm literally going to slice my ears off with her teeth if she says literally one more time.
Comments: 2
This little guy had just been given an apple to eat, and seems to act more like a puppy than a porcupine! He is definitely cute, but not the kind of thing you'd want jumping on your bed in the morning & licking your face!
Comments: 1
Kids! They write the funniest internet video sketches! To get your vids noticed on YouTube it’s good to have a gimmick. The gimmick for this show is kids pretending to be a salesman and a customer.
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Batman’s not content to be the star of his own movies, his ego is so mega he has to star in other people’s films too. So here he is cropping up again in famous movie scenes to tarnish your memories of them.
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Coppercab of "Gingers do have souls!" fame get his auburn ass remixed into a surprisingly catchy song. Admittedly there are no actual words in it but if it sounds good and you can dance to it, who cares?
Comments: 1
"Girls with glasses sure do have nice asses!", Epic right? Ok, so i suck at prose, but i do know a good thing when i see it & i don't need any glasses to admire this fine spectacle of a babe!
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Who’s tracking you online is one of the issues of the day, as we go about our daily browsing all manner of trackers are watching our every move. Who are they and what the hell they’re doing is a mystery, until now!
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Kids, there's nothing like starting them early. Well this cheeky peeker will undoubtedly be keeping this one stored in the 'busted' file for years to come as he gets caught on live TV.
Comments: 5