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WTF Cat-Flap Surprise!
Oh dear! Something tells me i bet they didn't expect THAT to come flying through the kitty door! What the hell is gonna come next i wonder, lets hope it's not a hunter?
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The answer is actually very simple - Drink a LOT.. LOL
Comments: 4
Helloooooo! Wiiiiiiining! Charlie Sheen puts on his best tiger-patterned chef’s hat and takes to the kitchen with the attitude only a Warlock-Shamen-Ninja-Zen-Warrior can!
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A lion on display at the MGM in Las Vegas attacked and bit one of his trainers recently. The trainer received stitches and is expected back at work shortly.
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This kid nearly breaks his neck after attempting a running back flip and getting just enough rotation to get his face to land first.
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Puppets Mario and Fafa count down their picks for the best futuristic products from movies that should exist today, like the light saber from Star Wars, the holodeck from Star Trek, and the hoverboard from Back to the Future II.
Comments: 5
James May couldn't pull a rotten tooth out of a dead horse's head. Still, that won't stop him hitting on females every opportunity he gets. He doesn't rely on cheesy lines, just a super creepy appearance and a subtle "Hello".
Comments: 2
Teaser trailer for a film about singer and provocateur MIA, whose father was a Tamil Tiger, often considered a terrorist organization. Sadly, after releasing this the director then quit, so we’ll never get to see it.
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Yeah, maybe when you’re on the commute home and everyone seems to despise everyone within two foot of them, humanity may seem pretty shitty. Just watch this and have your faith restored.
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This is probably the happiest you will ever see someone get for breaking their hand.
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When all else fails, the only recourse is to sound the conch and gather together this elite team...
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