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Uber Nut Shot FAIL!
This is the kind of nut shot that'd render you infertile for the rest of you life. Just look at the power at which it hits him in the groin. He knows it has done some serious damage but all his friends & anyone else can do is lol at him!!!
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If you can't watch Quentin Tarantino's most iconic movie without thinking that certain things wouldn't go down like that in the real world, then HISHE have got your back. Here's their take on Pulp Fiction.
Comments: 198
Hilarious commercial about eye care and vision products.. LOL
Comments: 99
A pitcher and catcher get frustrated with the home plate umpires inconsistent strike zone and throw a cheap shot at his head.
Comments: 28
Teenagers filming fights on their camera phones is as old as happy slapping, but this footage from a school in Leicester is pretty shocking by anyone's standards.
Comments: 0
Why I'm glad you asked. It's so damn hot even tattoos are running off in search of a cold one. Mind you if I was Buddy I'd take full advantage of the chance to jump the ink wench, she's a babe!
Comments: 0
During the midnight mass at St. Peters Basilica in the Vatican, a crazed woman jumped into the aisle and took out the pope. She's getting coal.
Comments: 2
Mama said SHE'S gonna knock you out! It's a noble gesture but i reckon that this dude will never be able to show his face in the gym again!
Comments: 1
A classic clip teaches an important lesson: When the other guy's palm is the size of your entire face, just call it a draw.
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"My friend Amanda had never seen a whole Star Wars film. But that didn't matter as she already knew what happens. So I took out my voice recorder and asked her to start from the top."
Comments: 1
It you want to bust some moves at your local club and get noticed then watch this guy - Brent Weinbach demonstrates some new dance moves great for use at the club or at home.
Comments: 17