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Turbocharged Car Test FAIL!
These guys are testing out an engine they have just spent over 120 hours building & turbo charging and it runs completely out of test track just 2 hours before the owner is expected to pick it up. Oops!
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Good old Bill, completely destroying science with his dumb arguments. Works of scholarly genius like "How did the moon get there?". Gee, I dunno Bill, maybe it accreted from the debris after a collision with another celestial body.
Comments: 3
He looks a bit like Syler and with his sudden new found telekinetic superpower he could be the real-life super villain - at least that's probably what he was thinking in this classic. Fabregas gets Punk'd and he never saw it coming !!
Comments: 1
If you've got fond memories of the NES then chances are you'll remember this guy. A freakishly proportioned bad guy from Double Dragon, Abobo and his mishapen head are the stuff of legend. Now he even has his very own game!
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You might think over the years that you have got this one covered, but just wait till you see how this genius eats them. You'll be totally blown away. You've been doing it all wrong :(
Comments: 4
Bruce Almighty was a cinematic abomination. Still at least it wasn't as bad as Jack And Jill. Also, soundbites taken from them can be used to actual comic effect. To prove this, I give you Exhibit A:
Comments: 1
If the planet is in peril and human-kind is contributing to it's demise then there is only one person who can save us all. Captain Planet will save us, but it had better be something serious.
Comments: 1
It's a flying machine and it's spherical. That might sounds a bit stupid but that means it's good for traffic and parking is a breeze to boot! SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!
Comments: 8
We all remember that scene from the movie Big where Tom Hanks plays chopsticks on a giant piano. Well, here he re-enacts that classic moment with a little help from actress Sandra Bullock.
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Machine-man versus digital flip-out electro riff tunes. The battle of the ages, but who will win? Who will rise victorious from this robo-clash, who will be bought for a dollar? Whose skull will grind into digital mince?
Comments: 0
Holy Darwin, what the hell is going on here? He's just letting you know there's nowhere you can hide. Your leg will be humped! Now lets see him get down again :)
Comments: 103