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Treadmill FAIL
Like running on a treadmill and drinking wasn't already hard enough.. LOL
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Could this be the new Street Fighter? It will keep you entertained for a few minutes anyway. When this wiener dog was feeling threatened by an inflatable shark, he showed the pool toy who was boss.
Comments: 2
Some people can be SO dumb - He asks it as a question, but it sounds more like he WANTS to be shot.. - WTF
Comments: 1
If you've seen Dan Balan's music video for Chica Boom, you were probably just as conflicted as the rest of us. It has lovely ladies but also a blown out hair sporting douchebag. This version just has the former. Thanks, internet!
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Biker comes speeding around a mountain corner only to get slide tackled by an oncoming motorcycle. You'd be sooo pissed if this happened to you.
Comments: 2
Need a wingman? Want the best of the best? This one comes with his own aviators and Top Gun theme music! He's guaranteed to get you a date and if he doesn't you can always console yourself with some shirtless volleyball.
Comments: 2
Luckily, nobody was killed in this accident after the white truck completely blew a red light slamming into the cross traffic.
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You might have seen happy looking cats before, but they're usually just photoshopped to look that way. This one looks happy without the aid of graphical retouching. Also he pants like a dog which is way cool.
Comments: 5
This guy gets up on a concrete planter and attempts a backflip but ends up coming down face-first on the side of the planter. This is such a classic fail you could almost set it in stone... Or concrete :)
Comments: 2
I strange, boxy, animated amalgamation of The Thing, H.P. Lovecraft and the archetypal British game show. You've probably seen what happens when they spell a swear on Countdown, well this is what happens when the spell Cthulhu.
Comments: 1
Pretty much everyone knows that bowling is mostly down to being lucky, at least people who lose all the time say that anyway—and you can't get a luckier shot than bowling between your legs to get a strike like this boss.
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