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One Foul-Mouthed Kid!
Break open the carbolic soap and get ready to wash this skater-kid's mouth out with soap & water till only words fit for nursery skool come out of it - Where the hell did he learn this stuff?
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Strangely enough, fireworks almost look better when they're being played backwards. Someone needs to invent a firework that implodes like this. I'd buy as many as I could carry. SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!
Comments: 4
If you've never seen a man crafting a tiny little horsey out of molten glass but always wanted to, YO. No need to thank me, no need to send me all your cash. Naked pictures couldn't hurt though, eh? Thx.
Comments: 2
If you saw this guy in the street playing an awesome rendition of the Star Wars Theme with his one man band, then you'd just have to throw some money his way, it would be a total crime not to.
Comments: 1
As if there weren’t already enough videos of people showing off their acrobatic expertise, here’s another. These two guys are pretty awesome though and have included all their bloopers at the end.
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Stuff like this is a regular occurrence in the UK and Ireland. It happens every fucking weekend. It's just never caught on camera, until now. Keep safe out there kids, and if you can't be safe, be stupid.
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After a three-day weekend, it's easy for anybody to feel like they're stuck in a rut.
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I'm sure (like me) you've sat at your computer eating pizza and felt a sudden rush of envy every time you see some dues who is sporting a very cool sixpack and cried into your Coke. Well, turns out we ALL have a pack under our fat!
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When it comes to carnival games, this guy from Detroit has it down to a science. He wins so many toys from these games that they've limited the number of times you can win, and he's had to store his winnings in a garage!
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Ever wondered what an MC Escher illustration might look like if it was brought to life as a 3D sculpture? These guys have managed to find a way to do just that using a 3D printer and some serious ingenuity.
Comments: 98
It just goes to show that teddy bears & fish can coexist. But then something...something dreadful happens. This video will tear out your heart & brutally stomp all over it, but be brave little teddy. Be brave.
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